Membership renewal is fast approaching!
As a reminder we have new rate options for your renewed memberships:
Board of Directors positions available for the 2025 - 2026 term
Any member in good standing may be nominated, including self-nomination. Ple...
Zoom link posted soon
NAWSA Annual Membership Meeting
The annual membership meeting will be held April, 7th at 8pm EST via zoom. A link for the meeting will be sen...
Zoom link posted soon
Our Registrar, has put together a wonderful site for members of the NAWSA. Once you login and are approved, you can view information on your flock, find other members, search for NAWSA animals, and more.
Click here to set up your profile
*you must be an existing member to login
Any questions please contact
Attention Breeders
The NAWSA is waiving the restrictions on registering lambs over 24 month ( for those born in 2022 only) for the remainder of 2024. As we have changed registrars, some of you may have had problems getting your lambs from 2022 registered before they turned two years old. For the remainder of 2024 the NAWSA will accept lamb registrations born any time in 2022 who have exceeded the 24 month policy.
This is a one time exception.
If you have any questions, please let the Board know.
If you are interested in volunteering for a Director position, please send your self nomination along with a brief bio to NAWSA secretary Sheryl Meacham at by September 17th 2022.
We will be trying a new approach to getting news and info to membership. It was suggested at the last BOD meeting that in lieu of a newsletter, we create a 'news' page on the website. If anyone has news or info they would like to have appear on the page, please send to Lois Olund (membership director) and we will work to get it up and running.
If you would like to volunteer to help work/maintain the website, please contact a board member, we would welcome the help.
We know that the best way to promote our lovely breed is for people to get them in front of the public eye. To that end, we are producing 2' x 3' banners to be used when doing a breed booth or when out in front of the public. If you are interested in getting one for your next show or fair, please contact Virginia (
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Self nomination of candidates for a Directorship for the NAWSA board shall be considered valid when written nomination is received from any active member postmarked no less than 60 days prior to the Annual Membership meeting, (THIS YEAR THE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPMEETING IS OCT 17). The Secretary of the Association shall mail a ballot for election of Directors to each active member no less than 30 days prior to the annual membership meeting. No ballot shall be counted as valid unless such ballot shall have been received by the Secretary of the Association no less than 7 days prior to the annual meeting. Results of the election shall be announced at the annual membership meeting and the members of the Association shall promptly be notified by mail or email of the election results.
So if you are interested in volunteering for a Director position, please send your self nomination along with a brief bio to NAWSA secretary Sheryl Meacham at by September 17th 2022.
We are putting together a Survey Monkey survey to Active members to see what your thoughts are on several topics. When you get your survey, please take time to fill it out, as it is a way to gauge the support or lack of, for several different ideas. Anyone who would like to work on putting the survey together, or who may have topics for consideration, please contact Virginia.
The NAWSA has established a committee tasked with exploring ways to promote the Wensleydale to young shepherds, contact Carolynn ( or Allyson ( ) to become involved.
Contact the Registrar Mountain Niche 360-269-1985
Copyright © 2020 North American Wensleydale Sheep Association - All Rights Reserved.