The NAWSA maintains a Registry of North American Wensleydale sheep. Animals must meet or exceed the rules of the NAWSA breed up guidelines to be issued a Registration number and original certificate of pedigree. Animals may be transferred to another shepherd, but paperwork must be signed and submitted.
The NAWSA keeps track of all valid transfers and sales.
We are so pleased that we have such a reliable and professional Registrar. They offer many advantages for our members. Online forms that are easy to fill out with pull-down screens and pre-filled fields are just some of the advantages they provide to the NAWSA. They are also very approachable and happy to answer any questions.
Our Registrar, has put together a wonderful site for members of the NAWSA. Once you login and are approved, you can view information on your flock, find other members, search for NAWSA animals, and more.
Use the following link and create your login
NOTE - You must be a member to login. If you have any questions please contact
Here is the link to the login page:
Once they receive your signup and verify that you are a member, they will setup your account and send an email notification that it is ready.
It is important to remember that you are viewing a screen that has some but not all of the data that is contained in the NAWSA Registry.
If you are looking to access more information than is displayed on the screen view, please contact the NAWSA.
Our Registrar will be happy to answer questions and help you with the registration process.
Contact them at:
Mountain Niche Registry
NAWSA PO Box 1497
Castle Rock, WA 98611
The main Registry houses all data from animals registered with the NAWSA since it's inception 1999. These Wensleydales are solid white or solid natural colored fleeces ( black and grey).
The Moorit Registry is a special project created to allow for the selective breeding to tease out the moorit color (double recessive genetic) in the Wensleydale sheep. Because this is a special part of our Registry, our Moorit Registered animals are NOT able to be bred to animals in our main registry. For now they can only be bred to other animals in the Moorit Project Registry. This is a tightly controlled project, and there are special rules governing breeding and registration. In general they follow all the regular requirements for NAWSA registration, with a few additional requirements. See our Moorit Project page for more info
To be eligible for registration both sire and dam must be registered with the NAWSA. Applications for registration for lambs must be submitted and signed by the breeder of the lamb.
Please note: The NAWSA offers 'registration' for wethers in the case that someone needs registration papers to be eligible to show in any classes that allow wethers. Normally breeders do not need to register wethers as they are non breeding animals.
The breeder will be verifying the genetics and parentage of the lamb as they are responsible for putting the ram (or semen) to the ewe and must certify the mating. The breeder of the animal must be a member of the NAWSA to submit lambs for registration. Lambs must be less than 24 months old, and both sire and dam must be registered with the NAWSA for the offspring to be eligible.
If you are not the owner of both the sire and dam for any live cover or natural breeding, you must submit a Lease Borrow Ram or Bred Ewe Form in order to register lambs.
If you have purchased a bred ewe, be sure to get a Bred Ewe form signed by the breeder so that they can verify the mating and thus the pedigree of the impending lambs.
Each registered animal is issued an official Registration certificate with raised seal. This certificate has all the information on the animal, and verifies your ownership. You must present this original certificate when and if you would like to transfer the ownership of the animal to a new owner. On the back side of the certificate there is a form to fill out and submit when transferring ownership, or alternately the current owner may submit an online transfer. Members are also free to sell or gift animals without transferring the pedigree, but must realize that without that signed original certificate, the offspring from that animal will not be eligible for future registrations.
For more specifics, please refer to our Upgrading Guidelines and Breed Standards
Please feel free to contact the NAWSA with any questions -
or contact any Board Member.
The data in the NAWSA Registry belongs exclusively to the NAWSA and may not be used or duplicated without expressed written approval by the Board of Directors.
Here is the link to our online Registration page:
Contact the Registrar Mountain Niche 360-269-1985
Copyright © 2020 North American Wensleydale Sheep Association - All Rights Reserved.