With your membership, you will receive a welcome packet with information about the Association. You can also find information here on our website. We have a board of directors who are happy to assist you with any questions about the Association or the breed itself. With your active membership, you will receive our newsletters (which we try to get out each season), a breeder listing on the NAWSA website with your information and access to our Facebook Discussion Group for NAWSA members only.
Find a full description of our membership rules www.wensleydalesheep.org
Full Membership
is $30 for the current calendar year which runs January 1 through December 31. To register animals with the Association you must be a Member.
This is the membership you want if you are a breeder of registered animals and want to be a voting member of the NAWSA. To have a vote at NAWSA meetings and to hold office, you must register at least one lamb every two years. As a new member, you will be assigned a member # by our Registrar and that number will be used to identify your flock and when making future transactions. To be given Active status, which gives you a vote in all NAWSA business, you must be a member and have registered at least one animal within the past 2 years.
Associate Member $20/yr for calendar year. This is a non voting membership for Wensleydale lovers, spinners, weavers, fiber artists, and other non-producers interested in supporting the efforts of the Association, but will not be breeding registered stock and will not have a vote in NAWSA meetings. You can always change your membership in the future if you become interested in breeding registered stock. You will receive our newsletters.
New members must fill out a New Member Application (download below) along with the fee for joining and mail to our Registrar:
Mountain Niche Registry
PO Box 1497
Castle Rock, WA 98611
Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions, we are happy to help
Once you are a member, you will receive a login to the Mountain Niche Web - NAWSA Online page and can process most transactions online, including renewing next year and view your information and animals.
Contact the Registrar Mountain Niche naswa@mtn-niche.com 360-269-1985
ONLINE REGISTRY https://www.nawsa-registry.com/db/members/newmemb.php
Copyright © 2020 North American Wensleydale Sheep Association - All Rights Reserved.